Friday 25 November 2011

happy feet

i used
all my best yoga skillz
to take this picture

One of the best things about having really small feet is being able to buy your socks from the children's department.  Especially when they are all fluorescent on the bottom.  I wasn't wearing the best pair in the set yesterday because others have hearts and stars and other wonderful things instead of polka dots, but you get the idea.

The weather in Sydney has been cool and grey and rainy.  Yesterday, changed into my socks and jammies (see picture above) after coming home from a good driving lesson.  I listened to a fabulous radio show themed around November Rain (hurry, only six days left to listen!) whilst doing the dishes from a scrumptious in both food and company mini-dinner party (two guests counts, right?) we'd had the night before.

Lunch was left-over dhal and lamb curry (both of which you must make and eat unless you are vegetarian) finished off with half a sweet cheeks mango (I had to link that to prove to the non-Aussies out there that it genuinely the name of a mango variety).  There is something so satisfying and 'right' about eating a perfectly ripe mango after spicy food.  So much so that I had to tell CNN about this culinary match when he got home from work even though he doesn't like any stone fruit except peaches.

All in all, it was a very good Thursday off work.


I am sorry I haven't blogged in over two weeks.  It's just that for a while nothing really exciting happened and then lots of interesting things happened but I didn't have the energy to write about it.

I'm back now and I have to say, I've missed you.

(and a wee postscript to let you all know I have very good hearing because whilst I was writing this post, I heard a mobile on vibrate in another flat and thought it was mine - I'm sure it's compensation for having a husband with very poor hearing)


  1. I've missed you alot too, and I'm so jealous that you have such cute small feet! Happy feet! :) xoxo love you! Stacy


Thanks for stopping by. Any thoughts, love or suggestions are always appreciated. M xx